8359 Beacon Blvd. Ste. 207
Fort Myers, FL 33907



What services do you offer?

What services do you offer?

What services do you offer? At Rocio’s Healing Touch, we have a multitude of services available for all types of needs. We also target the type of massage to the specific need of the client. Please enter your needs in the online intake form when booking your appointment. Then ask the massage therapist for what type of massage will be best for your specific situation. We also consider providing new services and will be posted once they become available. So keep visiting our site for updates.

Currently, we offer:

  • Deep Tissue Massage: A massage designed to target problem areas due to injury or repetitive movement. For those with aches and pains, working deep into your muscle tissues, eliminating toxins in your system.
  • Swedish Massage: The classic Swedish massage incorporates long fluids strokes of varying depth and pressure to enhance the body’s natural function and relieve stress.
  • Lymphatic Massage: Lymphatic Massage also called Lymphatic Drainage Massage is a type of light massage that encourages lymph flow in the body.

Some of these services are also provided in packages. Be sure to ask if you are interested. You can also see the Services page for more information. Or if you have any questions or need any assistance, do not hesitate and contact us via email and we will be more than happy to provide help.